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4 Important Benefits School Nutrition Directors Are Responsible for Creating

Written by High Sabatino Associates | Jun 29, 2023

When running a school's food and beverage program, it's imperative to have the best equipment on hand to provide the benefits that all school nutrition directors are looking to create. Fortunately, school cafeteria equipment has come a long way in the past few years, and it's allowing these directors to do a lot more within a limited budget.

So, how can high-quality foodservice engineering create a better student dining experience? Here are four benefits school nutrition directors are tasked with creating, as well as some equipment ideas to help bring them to reality.

Creating Enjoyable Experiences

If there's one word that describes what an effective school cafeteria experience should be, it's "speed." With so many students to serve in such little time, nutrition directors have to maximize efficiency without sacrificing quality. And long lunch lines that lead to short eating times are the top deterrent to promoting student participation.

High-quality holding equipment ensures that dishes stay hot and fresh for longer, food locker systems allow students to grab to-go meals for added convenience, and innovative designs add to the visual appeal of each meal. Overall, cafeterias can create a high-class dining experience without needing a massive foodservice budget. 

Developing Dependability

Speed is only one aspect of the school dining experience -- dependability is just as (if not more) important. Schools don't have the money to constantly replace or repair cafeteria equipment, so each piece must withstand rigorous wear and tear day after day. 

Fortunately, Hatco foodservice equipment in schools is up to the challenge with rugged materials and parts that have been tested over and over again. When schools don't have to worry about machines breaking down or causing problems, they can deliver better dining for students and faculty without reducing speed and efficiency. 

Reducing Food Waste

Just as schools can't afford to buy new foodservice equipment regularly, they also can't waste tons of food. High-efficiency warming tables and refrigeration units ensure that all dishes are kept outside the "danger zone." Not only do these machines help regulate temperatures and ensure freshness, but they also can help prevent the spread of foodborne illnesses. With so many students pulling food from the same place, peace of mind is worth a lot for nutrition directors. 

Waste is also prevented on the back end as far as energy usage. Not only does high-quality equipment keep food hot and cold as necessary, but it also doesn't need as much electricity to do so. This way, schools won't get "sticker shock" when they see their utility bills at the end of the month. 

Ensuring Safety

Food safety involves a lot more than just keeping dishes out of the danger zone where bacteria can spread. Hatco school cafeteria equipment has been rated for all kinds of safety features to ensure that kitchens run as smoothly as possible. For example, color-coding for foods with allergens helps prevent accidental cross-contamination. Anti-microbial paint can help stem the spread of diseases when spills and other incidents occur. Finally, sneeze guards and other preventative materials can help keep food from collecting microbes from students as they pass through the line. 

Overall, Hatco equipment in schools does everything that nutrition directors need and then some. When it comes to speed, accuracy, dependability, and safety, schools should be thinking Hatco. See more solutions in this video:

Ready for more school nutrition information from the experts at High Sabatino? Let our team help your team develop strategies to enhance efficiency and quality, and to maximize the potential of your staff. In an era of small budgets and even smaller staff, we can help school nutrition professionals in Virginia, Maryland, and the greater Washington D.C. area.