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Do More with Less: Multifunctional Commercial Kitchen Appliance

Written by High Sabatino Associates | Feb 21, 2020

What if you could cook more with less hassle and less equipment taking up space in your commercial kitchen? Doesn't that sound ideal? Imagine using less space while increasing productivity and reducing energy consumption. Couldn't that make business more profitable and enjoyable? Fortunately for you and all of your foodservice operation needs, that dream is a reality! You can reduce your cooking footprint while increasing the output and maximizing your operational success.

Introducing VarioCookingCenter®

Meet the VarioCookingCenter® from Rational. It brings you the perfect multifunctional appliance for your foodservice operation. When you have it installed in your kitchen and put it into action, you'll find that you'll be taking up less space while simultaneously increasing your ability to cook more. Rather than having multiples appliances such as tilting pans, deep-fryers, boilers and more, the VarioCookingCenter® brings you all of that in one simple appliance. 

Whether you plan to serve à la carte or full recipes, for the most delicious dishes, the Vario Cooking Center can help you make it happen. This multifunctional appliance will allow you to boil, fry and deep fry any dish you'd like. Planning to serve steak? The cooking center will alert you and tell you when to turn those steaks over. It makes cooking a convenience and quickly becomes your best friend.

Use Less Commercial Kitchen Space

Maximize your cooking flexibility while using up to 30% less kitchen space. the VarioCookingCenter® brings every operation together to help you manage productivity without having multiple stations to monitor. This benefit can change the way your operation runs entirely. Instead of worrying about maintenance for multiple appliances, focus on the cooking center alone. With less equipment to manage, you won't have multiple appliances going through cleaning cycles at the same time. That can save you hours of time and put more minutes into providing great service for your consumers.

Produce More

Rational states that with the VarioCookingCenter®, you can increase the speed of boiling, frying, and deep-frying up to 4 times as fast when compared with other appliances. The company also estimates that you can reduce energy consumption by 40% with each use. Lympstone Manor, a luxury hotel, praises Frima's VarioCookingCenter® for the energy-efficient product. Frima is Rational's UK branch and sister operation. You'll save roughly 2 hours each business day with the increased cooking speed.

With everything in one place, the speed isn't the only benefit that allows you to produce more. You'll find that you can produce more in less time by removing the need to cycle between cooking stations. Prep everything right from the comfort of one spot. When you save time, improve your cooking speeds, and reduce energy consumption, you'll be increasing your foodservice operation's ability to profit. Producing more at a faster rate may seem like such a simple benefit but it can also improve your relationship with patrons and help you get more of those five-star ratings. 

Additional Benefits

While The VarioCookingCenter® is energy efficient, you can also reduce your carbon footprint. Becoming more sustainable isn't only a trend, but it gives you the chance to make a difference in the environment. Using the cooking center allows you to stabilize and maintain that amazing service you like to provide for your consumers. Let it assist you in your productivity and help you make daily service and catering events feel like a breeze.

As you hunt for the perfect equipment to suit your operational needs, reach out to us at High Sabatino. We serve Virginia, Maryland, and the greater Washington, D.C. area with high quality foodservice equipment. When you contact us we'll provide any information from brochures to blog posts highlighting the manufacturers and equipment we work with in order to assist you in reaching your business goals.

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