school lunch hero day - high sabatino

This year, school lunch foodservice workers and directors have had some major obstacles to overcome. We recently read a statistic that a local school district in Virginia had distributed over 15 million lunches to the community over the past year. That number is humbling to us and truly immeasurable, because we know all the hard work and dedication that goes into this industry.

This year, School Lunch Hero Day is May 7th.

We want to take this moment to recognize the heroes that have been selflessly serving their communities amongst a global pandemic and chaos. They have showed up, taken foodservice operations outdoors, delivered it to cars, and also served it to children returning to in-person or hybrid schooling. Their entire operations have been thrown for a loop, and their dedication is inspiring to all of us. 

From the bottom of our hearts, we thank you. We appreciate you. We value you. And we wish you a very happy School Lunch Hero Day. We hope you continue to get all the recognition and praise that you truly deserve year round.

Want to learn more about how we can help your school foodservice operation? We can help. New Call-to-action