Power of Two Rational Irinox

When we talk to chefs in Virginia, Maryland, and Washington, D.C., particularly those chefs who are interested in culinary-driven solutions, we always mention the "Power of Two." Ultimately, that refers to the partnership that often exists in commercial kitchens between RATIONAL and Irinox.

When used in the right ways, this combination can help chefs accomplish higher-quality results with less strain on labor. Let's look at both manufacturers to get a glimpse at the power of the two.

Elevating Culinary Precision with iCombi Pro and iVario Pro from RATIONAL

HighSab_Manufacturers_Page_Rational-300x141At the heart of High Sabatino's culinary lineup is RATIONAL, renowned for its cutting-edge kitchen solutions and the inventor of combi oven technology. The iCombi Pro, a versatile combi oven, stands out with its intelligent features. It reduces product loss by an impressive 22%, enhances safety by eliminating fryers, and ensures consistent results with its fully programmable touchscreen panel. The iProduction Manager multitasking feature enables the simultaneous preparation of multiple food items, optimizing time during service and preparation.

Complementing the iCombi Pro is the iVario Pro, a multifunctional cooking system that preheats to 400 degrees in just 2.5 minutes. This speed minimizes the burden on utilities and reduces labor hours spent waiting for preheating. The integrated pan drain and programmable cooking processes contribute to greater efficiency and accuracy, making it easier for staff to execute cooking procedures. Both devices incorporate HACCP data tracking for meticulous food safety documentation.

Innovating Freshness and Safety with Multifresh Next from Irinox

Irinox LogoIrinox's Multifresh Next takes center stage in preserving food quality and safety. Rapidly chilling foods straight from cooking equipment reduces product loss by up to 10%, reinforcing food safety procedures. The unit's ability to shock freeze fresh foods ensures the availability of fresh ingredients even during out-of-season periods or times of heightened costs. With the capability to heat up to 185 degrees, it facilitates proofing, hot holding, and overnight low-temperature cooking, extending the shelf life of food by 2-3 times. Irinox is the world's leading blast chiller manufacturer, and its technology pairs very well with the other two brands on this list.

Empowering Your Culinary Journey with High Sabatino

The collaboration of RATIONAL and Irinox in High Sabatino's lineup represents the epitome of culinary innovation. To explore the full potential of these transformative kitchen solutions, we invite you to schedule time with a culinary expert at High Sabatino.

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